
Tales from the void
Tales from the void

tales from the void

Subject to class-based limitations, each can be equipped with anything in the ship's armory. You can pick up to five marines from your crew - Scouts, Engineers, and Gunners - for each mission. Clicking on one will pop up a report on what to expect there, costs in food and air for traveling to the selected rock, and recommendations for what sort of troops to deploy. Although there's a little play in the periscope's rotation, it's purely cosmetic your only options are right in front of you. Things start off with a narrated log entry summing up the situation, then cutting to the ship's periscope to select an asteroid for raiding.

tales from the void

I went with the hardest, Veteran, just to see what Tales would throw at me. Three campaign options are available, switching up the balance between food, air, and the sub's marine complement, after which you select the difficulty. Instead, you might as well be at the Department of Motor Vehicles getting your license. This asteroid could have been presented as a crucial combination of testing and training in an utterly unknown environment. Think about it: somehow (and on very short notice) you've managed to make a primitive submarine space-worthy, rigged oxygen tanks for jetpacks, and you're critically low on both food and air. Strangely, Porta Play seems to have set the scenario up in a way that could easily have been very immersive but is written and voiced in an entirely throwaway fashion. The tutorial is simple enough, walking you point by point through the control scheme with a "training asteroid". Even Scotty from Star Trek would have a few choice words regarding this situation. One needn't dwell much on what happens, should you run out.

tales from the void

Each such mission consumes air, the only option for maneuvering your submarine through space. Since the oscillator cannon knocked loose in the same collision which breached the hull (naturally), and since it's the only way to get home, you'll need to hunt it down as well. In a nutshell, you've got to raid asteroids for flotsam and jetsam which got yanked into space along with the HMS E18. Despite an underwhelming first impression, there is something to be said for Tales From The Void once it gets rolling. It's never fun to have your ears blown off the second you start a game, much less having to take the headphones off to fiddle with your PC's native controls while the opening cut-scene blithely continues without you. Not in the launcher, not in the game settings, nowhere whatsoever. "Captain, do these polygons make me look fat?"

Tales from the void